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adventure & recreation

MS150 -- Team Anadarko

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Team Anadarko:

Anadarko Petroleum Corporation is one of the largest independent oil and gas exploration and production companies in the world. With activities in more than a dozen countries, Anadarko employees a worldwide work force of about 3,600.

A strong sense of responsibility to the local community is no small part of the Anadarko culture. Partnerships with organizations such as the United Way, Habitat for Humanity, and the Multiple Sclerosis Society are just a few of the ways Anadarko expresses this commitment. Team Anadarko has been involved with the MS 150 since 1989, and it has become an Anadarko tradition.  Team Anadarko has consistantly been recognized as a top fundraising team and has raised nearly $3.5 million, making Anadarko the first corporation in the country to cross this threshold for the MS Society. Not coincidentally, Anadarko was also the the first to cross the $1 million and $2 million marks!

For more information about Anadarko visit the company website at www.anadarko.com


copyright  (c) 2005  timothy griepp,  all rights reserved

email:  timothy_webmail@creative-vision.org