Delivering Julianna – First Attempt

Hey everyone- here’s the story of our first attempt to deliver our sweet baby girl:

We went in Monday night as planned. I was given Cervidil to try to dilate me. I didn’t dilate, so they started Pitocin about 6:30 a.m. to see if that would work. At 10:30 a.m. I still wasn’t responding to Pitocin.

Dr. Reed decided it was time to try something different. She started Cytotec and it began to work. I had contractions for the rest of the day–good strong ones at times–but at 6:00 p.m. when they checked me again, I was still at 1 cm. On a positive note, the day did help me to become fully effaced.

We were exhausted, of course, and Dr. Reed proposed 2 options. Either take a break for the night and start again today, or take a break and start again Thursday night. We opted to wait until Thursday night, hoping my body will continue to prepare itself.

Our blessings are many– As you know this is a medical induction and it is necessary. Julianna should not go full term because my body may not be able to support her that long. However, Dr. Reed did not even suggest c-section because she knows that it’s only a LAST resort option for us. She’s really trying to get Julianna out “naturally”, which we fully appreciate. I know many MDs who’d be only too happy to do surgery to get this over with. Another blessing: Julianna is still “very happy” and can wait a few days.

Our prayer: Julianna will remain healthy and happy, and when we go Thursday my body will respond and we can have her without c-section.

We’ll let you know when she’s here. Updates will follow both here and on our photo site.

Please keep us in your prayers.



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